The MY-SIG Camp App is a social network designed to be forgotten —built for the Mensa camps that take place five times a year across Europe, bringing together 2,500+ gifted individuals. Handling registrations, activities, and logistics for over €1M in transactions annually, its seamless home dashboard keeps everything at your fingertips, so you spend less time clicking and more time experiencing. Built in Next.js with Wouter Klijnsmit. Live on
Product Strategy
UX Design
UI Design
Front-End Development

A Dynamic Home

The dashboard adapts dynamically based on where you are in your journey: before the event, it highlights registration, lottery results, and travel details; during camp, it transforms into a hub for schedules, activity sign-ups, and live updates. Each widget serves a purpose, surfacing only what’s relevant in the moment—so everything you need is right at your fingertips, and nothing gets in the way of the experience.
Widget #1: Venue & Travel
Find directions, weather forecast, and info about facilities.
Widget #2: Activities
Activities are the soul of camp. Here, participants are shown random team pick activities they haven't yet signed up for.
Widget #3: Registration
Learn more about each of the steps in the registration process. User manages expectations in terms of available room types and size of the event.
Widget #4: Who's Coming
A throwback reference to Facebook Event days. This widget nudges registration, as it shows all participants who are already in. It also ensures a comfortable and multicultural environment to the user pointing out the vast diversity of the group.
User Journey: Different Badges, Different Widgets
The app streamlines every stage of the camp experience with a badge-based journey in stages such as Pre-Registration & Lottery, Live Camp, Post-Camp. Each stage yields a different widget setup and order on the home dashboard.
